The Future Leader’s Head, Heart and Hands E-Book

Thrive as a Leader in the 4th Industrial Revolution and VUCA!

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The Future Leader’s Head/Heart/Hands

What does the future hold for leaders? This is just one question on many leaders’ minds. In a time where everything is changing, leaders and future leaders are surrounded by uncertainties daily. This means that leadership is changing. Leadership is moving into unknown territories. That is why a strong core is necessary if leaders want to thrive in the future. Without a strong core, leaders of the future will find it hard to be fit and endure in the long term. Future leaders can establish healthy habits of mind, heart and hands.

This book serves as a companion to the leader, and explores future habits that can be built now. The leader is given the space to design their authentic leadership style through international workshops that establish healthy habits in these 3 core areas of head, heart and hands now. Why wait for the future to reveal itself? Go forward with a healthy core and thrive long term. Get your copy of this companion now and take ownership of designing your leadership for tomorrow, today.


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