xpand stands for 7 Core Values
They are the foundation of our work and are expressed in our service, focus and quality.
Culture of appreciation
We appreciate every single human being and truly value their unique dignity. We aim to actively develop a culture of appreciation regarding: ourselves, others, organizations, tribes and cultures.
Servant leadership
We serve individuals and organizations and support them to find and fulfill their dignity and destiny. We serve and protect life in all of its variety, to stimulate healthy people, healthy relations, healthy organizations and a healthy environment.
Healthy relationships
We believe that a healthy life, organization and society can only develop further if there is a good balance between individuality and community. Wherever possible, we are building bridges and connecting people with each other.
Ethic intelligence
We live and work based on ethical standards that inspire us to respect and preserve the dignity of each individual being. We support and stimulate our customers to integrate their own identity, ethics and mission in their strategic decisions.
Self-responsibility and personal development
We encourage others in their search for and fulfillment of their dignity and destiny and foster self-responsibility throughout this process. We believe in the co-essentials of freedom and responsibility. Therefore we respect the individual freedom of every human person and strongly oppose any form of manipulation. At the same time we hold each person to their self-responsibility to grow into a healthy and mature personality. Furthermore, we believe in coaching leadership that assists individuals to develop and be empowered.
Creativity, entrepreneurship and social responsibility
We encourage people and organizations to discover and develop their creative potential and in doing so bring sustainable solutions to the world around them. Moreover, we challenge individuals to develop their self-leadership and entrepreneurship, to create or re-create products, services or organizations that will serve their customers in the best possible way. We are part of a movement of people and organizations that actively invest in a better and healthier society.
Quality, processes and mastery
We believe in the responsibility to produce quality in all that we do. By the quality of daily work, one expresses their deep respect for all those they are working for. We design our services in intelligent, understandable and logical processes. We do so in order to serve our customers, so that they can eventually use our models without further assistance to grow in their own professionalism.
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