Strategy Development

Working towards clear goals

During the past 10 years one thing has become absolutely clear: the future of an organization cannot be planned any longer. The marketplace and society are changing at an incredible pace, which makes it increasingly difficult to develop a meaningful and realistic strategy.

We can help you to develop such a strategy and support you in translating it into effective daily operations. Some of the core questions that are addressed during such a process are:

  • What is your mission and vision, for today as well as for the future?
  • What are your target groups and how will they develop?
  • How do you use your core competences, and how do you convert these into products and services that best match the needs and wishes of your clients?
  • Where does the focus have to lie within your organization in order to build inspiring customer service (to ensure that your clients become fans and stay fans of your organization or products)?
  • How do you translate strategic goals into realistic steps?

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