Presence is the Essence!

I believe the following with all my being: The ultimate expression of healthy character is presence. Presence is the essence of leadership. Presence precedes decisions, innovation, strategy and customer satisfaction. If leadership power is handled effectively, it will lead to presence.

Here are some tips to become more present.

1. Take care of yourself. Without personal resilience it will be difficult to have the energy to be present.

2. Clear your mind. If our mind is clear and open, we are more receptive.

3. Prepare well. Preparation helps us to engage on a deeper level with those we will interact. We will listen more actively and dialogue deliberately.

4. Get rid of distractions. In the online world of work, most of our meetings are unproductive, as we listen to clues and seldom engage with our whole being. Notifications popping up on the screen constantly distract us. Distractions take our attention away from the moment, and temporarily place us in another setting, until we decide to ignore them.

5. Listen actively and make notes. This sounds like a no brainer, but this seldom happens. Active listening and note taking help us to stay in the moment. It communicates a wealth of appreciation and quality leadership. Listen to the verbal and non-verbal signals. Listen to what is not being said. There are many streams of information we can access when we are present.

The essential challenge of leadership is to take the power you have, and the power that has been given to you and translate it into presence. Presence that will empower all around you.

What is your decision today?

I wish you all the best as you live out your presence.

Order the new book “Presence – An Essential Leadership Challenge” to dive deeper into the topic and design your way forward.