There is a saying, there is nothing new under the sun. I recently read a post by someone who said they are revolutionizing people development. I was intrigued. I love the innovation in the marketplace when it comes to people development. There are some core principles we should always keep in mind. These are foundational thoughts that have stood the test of time. Principles that have driven people development. Principles that will still stand strong, no matter the chosen tool or vehicle of delivery used.

Let me stop here, and ask you: What do you think are those principles?

What principles have worked for you, when it comes to people development, which you will always hold dear?

Here are a few principles, I believe, have stood the test of time.

  1. Focus on intrinsic motivation.

Viktor Frankl shared great insights into the concept of intrinsic motivation in his book on man in search of meaning. Daniel Pink followed up on this thought. When we help people to discover their intrinsic skills, it will unveil a different level of commitment, perseverance and patience. No matter, the tool, the goal is to discover intrinsic motivation.

  1. Look through the glasses of appreciation.

I know this might sound warm and fussy, but research shows us that where people feel appreciated, their minds are more creative, they are receptive to change and they go beyond the call of duty. Few things will trump a culture of appreciation. Where this build, the employee engaged is more.

  1. The potential of Human beings is complex in nature.

There are beauty and potential already in people. It is more about unleashing potential, than filling humans with information. There will always be parts of human nature that we will be able to unlock. The more we focus on the potential of people, the more they will feel cared for and be able to dare.

Whatever your people development strategy is, how are you taking care that your process reflects timeless principles?

When you look into the topic of mastery, you will see that those who have mastered their trade, have fine-tuned a few principles which they implement in all they do. Every piece of art they create exhibits these principles. The result is that these principles become timeless.

May your people development strategy, whatever the wording you use, be authentically human and enhance the potential of the people you wish to serve.

This blog was by Cias Ferreira.

For further coaching, training or consultation on the topic, please feel free to connect to our office.