Tribe learning and Design Thinking

  1. The foundation of Design Thinking

In the development of new products and services, the process of Design Thinking has become the standard. The Design Thinking process consists out of 3 steps:

  1. Inspiration: Analysis of needs and environmental factors. Developing empathy for customers/users, creative brainstorming to discover elements for solutions.
  2. Ideation: Designing 3-4 alternative scenarios of possible products. Testing these alternatives with a variety of test panels. Building and testing prototypes. And finally defining the optimal product or service.
  3. Implementation: Producing the optimal product. Strategic planning and realization of internal and external communication. Launching and selling the product. Optimizing the complete service around the product.
  1. The key to success: the diverse team 

No matter how beautifully the process can be set up and all participants know how it works, the key to success is in the team skills of the team members themselves.

In his book Thou shalt Innovate, Avi Jorisch talks about a series of highly innovative and successful new products developed in Israel in recent years. Almost all of these products were designed by very diverse teams:

  • Different generations
  • Women and men
  • Different cultures
  • Complementary expertise

The more diverse a team:

– the greater the innovative output can be.

– the less strong the implementation of these new products/services/ideas are.

So on the one hand you want a very diverse team to develop the ideal and truly innovative products/ideas. On the other hand, you also need:

  1. An excellent team facilitator
  2. Highly team-able team players 

And that is exactly what Tribe Learning provides

Accompanied by a professional team-facilitator, you will work with 5-9 other professionals and work in tribe-meetings, on your own products, challenges and learning goals.

Because you do this as a tribe, you constantly learn from each other, complement each other, inspire each other and grow almost inconspicuously in both your own team skill and your team leader skill.

Design Thinking in Xpand learning tribes

Of course, in the various learning tribes, we apply the principles of Design Thinking again and again, and in different ways.

  • We practice ‘Inspiration’ by individually, and also together, brainstorming in a customer-focused way and developing innovative ideas.
  • We develop ‘Ideation’ by working on personal and shared scenarios/ideas/products. And in doing so, we achieve a clear focus in the solution by means of selection processes.
  • Everyone works on his or her ‘Implementation’ by putting the new ideas into practice or even producing the new products.
  • The tribe is the safe place to think, to develop, to receive and give feedback and ultimately to grow sustainably in your specific competencies.

A warm invitation:

Sign up for the tribes starting 15 and 29 May 2020, and start your growth towards VUCA proof professionalism. Here are more information on the Company Leadership Tribe.

Contact us at or 079  434 9030 to sign-up.

Sincere greetings,

Xpand South Africa Team

Empowering individuals and organizations to thrive.Â